Fitness for Mothers: Tips for Running With Your Kids

By Stonewear Designs Grassroots Team Member Haley Dahle
As a single mom and runner, I’ve had to get pretty creative when trying to log miles (or even work out in general). Over the last few years, I’ve found a few solutions that eliminate any possible excuses I can come up with.
1. Learn to love (or at least tolerate) the treadmill. Now, I’m not normally a fan of the treadmill. But sometimes when you need to run, it might be your only option. In the winter when it’s too cold or impossible to get the kids outside for a run, the treadmill will be there. Let the kids watch a movie, give them their tablet/video game or a book to read while you run. Want to have even more fun? Let them control your speed/incline!
2. Get familiar with the track at your local high school. I’ve recently discovered the track at our local high school is available for public use. Take your kids with you to the track and let them run along with you. If you’d actually like to run at a decent pace, have them play in the middle of it while you literally run circles (ovals?) around them. Tracks are usually great for running stairs as well if you want to mix it up; and to keep them included, have your kiddos help you count laps or stairs.
3. Enlist your wheeled friends. If your kiddos are little, invest in a jogging stroller and take them on the run with you. If your kiddos are bigger, have them ride their bikes alongside you (or ahead of you). Right now the speed in which my kids can peddle is a perfect pace for an easy run for me. And when you get your kiddos involved with your fitness, you’re teaching them that being active and healthy is a family affair, and that will be a valuable lesson that will stick with them for life.
4. Find another running mom and take turns babysitting for one another and running during your free time. It’s a win/win for both moms and kids. The kids get a play date and social time with other kids and you get some literally “free” free time.
5. And lastly, if you are all out of options and still need to work out, slow it down to their level. Take your kids for a walk or a hike with you. Or skip the miles all together and make it a cross training day; take them to the playground and utilize the equipment there for an impromptu strength training session.
Read more from Haley on her blog Climb Run Lift Mom
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