backpacking RSS

Adventure, backpacking, Cassie Strid, Indian Peaks, Rocky Mountains, Stonewear Designs, women alone in the wilderness -

My summer bucket lists typically include at least one backpacking trip. This year, my friend Bridget and I decided to test our wilderness skills—alone. Some may say you’re not alone if another gal is going, but in our eyes no boys = alone! Neither of us had been backpacking more than a couple of times, […]

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5 fitness tips, backpacking, backpacking for beginners, backpacking for women, Fitness, Friday's Five Fitness Tips -

OK, so it’s actually 4p.m. Thursday as we publish this, but we wanted to give you some extra time to get excited about your active weekend with our Friday’s 5 Fitness Tips. This week’s tips come from Stonewear Grassroots Team Member Lauren Beihoffer. We hope you enjoy this regular addition to the Live Stonewear! Blog. […]

The post Friday's 5 Fitness Tips — Backpacking for Beginners appeared first on Live Stonewear.

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