My Journey Through a 6-Week Fitness Challenge: Week 1
My work at a Colorado University offers multiple benefits, including access to the campus recreation center and the fitness programs that it offers. When they recently put together a “6 Week Fitness Challenge” and made it available to staff and students alike – I didn’t hesitate to sign up. Staying active is something I feel strongly about, but I definitely find myself in a rut from time to time. I was hoping this would provide me some new ideas, to spice up my routine and help me gain greater benefits from my efforts – in the areas of both eating and exercise.
This 6-Week Fitness Challenge included an initial body and lifestyle analysis, an assessment and workout schedule recommendation from a personal trainer designed around my goals, and a consultation with a nutritionist. Even better, they promised to send weekly motivation emails throughout the challenge, to include related topics to help keep me inspired and on track. These tips turned out to be informative, helpful, and inspirational – so I will be sharing the best pointers I received with you.
Without further ado, join me on my journey through a 6-Week Fitness Challenge…
Week #1Trainer & Nutritionist Tips:
To help make fitness a routine, literally schedule it into your day like an appointment. If finding time is an issue, start by setting aside a small amount like 10-15 minutes – perhaps simply walking around your neighborhood or work place twice per day. This will get you moving, and help build stamina for future, longer workouts. If finding a place to work out is a challenge, utilize body weight exercises. No equipment or set up needed! Setting aside this time to work out truly is critical to your health. Start small, and as it gets easier, add a few minutes.
In the nutrition category, pay attention to your portion sizes. One of the most important things you can do to improve your metabolism, as well as get adequate nutrients and feel satisfied, is to eat balanced meals and snacks. Add some protein, to prevent yourself from feeling hungry too soon. As you learn to eat more mindfully, your body will tell you what it needs most.
How my week went:
I met with both a personal trainer and nutritionist early this week, to check in with my initial stats and receive guidance on workouts, diet, and recommendations. Since it was something I had never tried, I was excited when the trainer discussed with me the accelerated benefits of circuit training, and was definitely planning to give this a shot.
During my meeting with the nutritionist, I had to come clean about my serious sweet tooth. I was nervous at the thought of eliminating desserts and sweets from my diet. She encouraged me to be realistic, that I could cut back without total brownie abstinence! If I needed one “splurge” once in awhile, I should decide what my FAVORITE thing was, and my FAVORITE time to eat it, and then just allow myself to savor that.
The first encouraging thing I noticed during Week 1, which really surprised me, was that I honestly didn’t crave sweets much. Because I increased my workouts substantially, tried some new things like Spin Class and Circuit Training, and was working so hard – I started to feel different. I started to want to eat foods that made me feel good, gave me energy, and didn’t just bog me down with sugar and fat. I believe this is a combination of psychological reasons (not wanting to sabotage the benefit of my hard work in spin class), and physiological ones – my body craved nutrients, and good foods.
So far, so good! Let’s do this.
About the Author
Tami Mittan aka The Colorado Mountain Mom, joins us for a second year as a Stonewear Designs Ambassador. Tami lives in the high mountain desert area of Western Colorado with her two young kids, where she and her husband encourage their children to have fun in the “free” outdoors. She splits her time between full-time work as a system engineer and being a mom-at-home. And while her life is busy as it is, she prioritizes staying active, “Being healthy and active leaves me with that great feeling of being a strong, confident woman,” she says. “Also, when I’m living an active life, I cope better with its challenges and get more fun out of my days!” Her favorite activities and sports include hiking, biking, jet skiing, waterskiing, horseback riding, golf, camping, traveling, exploring, baking, scrapbooking, and reading.
The post My Journey Through a 6-Week Fitness Challenge: Week 1 appeared first on Live Stonewear.